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I obtained my PhD in Mathematics in 2017 at the University of Genova under the supervision of Nicola Pinamonti with a thesis on the construction of thermal states in perturbative algebraic quantum field theory. During my PhD I spent six months abroad, visiting Christian Gérard at the Université de Paris-Sud.

Between 2017-2018 I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Physics of the University of Pavia, where I was part of the Mathematical Physics group of Claudio Dappiaggi. During 2018-2019 I have been a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Trento, where I worked within the Mathematical Physics group of Valter Moretti. Between 2019 and 2021 I was awarded a von Humboldt fellow at the institut für Mathematik of the University of Würzburg where I joined the Mathematical Physics group of Stefan Waldmann. During 2021-24 I was assistant professor Department of Mathematics of the University of Trento, where I joined the the Mathematical Physics group lead by Valter Moretti.

You can download my CV here.

Awards and Honors



Principal investigator in GNFM-INdAM research project "Non-linear sigma models and the Lorentzian Wetterich equation", in collaboration with Dr. E. D'Angelo, funded by GNFM (Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica Matematica) within the funds reserved for young researchers (Progetto Giovani) for the year 2023.




National Scientific Qualification (Italian Habilitation) as Associate Professor in Mathematical Physics (MAT07, ASN 2018-20).




Qualification aux fonctions de Maître de conférences, pour la section 25 (Mathématiques).

Qualification aux fonctions de Maître de conférences, pour la section 26 (Mathématiques appliquées et applications des mathématiques).



von Humboldt research fellowship for postdoctoral researchers.




Erasmus Plus Grant 2017 (KA 103). This grants were used for a one week series of lectures at Julius Maximiliam University of Wuerzburg (Germany) 2017 10 09-13;

Principal investigator in the GNFM-INdAM research project "Wave propagation on Lorentzian manifolds with boundaries and applications to Algebraic QFT", in collaboration with Dr. H. Ferreira, funded by GNFM (Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica Matematica) within the funds reserved for young researchers (Progetto Giovani) for the year 2017.




Cassini project, financed by the Embassy of France in Italy.
This grants were used to organize the Microlocal Analysis: a tool to explore the Quantum World Workshop, held at Department of Mathematics of the University of Genova (2017 01 12-13);

Invited talks



Stochastic Differential Equations and the Martin-Siggia-Rose formalism: an algebraic correspondence,

invited talk within “Common trends and challenges in QFT and stochastic PDEs",

Pavia (Italy), 2024.01.11-12.



A Microlocal Approach to Renormalization in Stochastic PDEs,

invited talk within “III Italian Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics 2022",

Bologna (Italy), 2022.06.13-17.


KMS functionals and b-Poisson manifolds - A guided tour through examples,

invited talk within “Assemblea Nazionale del GNFM 2022",

Montecatini (Italy), 2022.05.05-07.


Moeller operators for Dirac fields with MIT boundary conditions,

webinar within Potsdam ``Differential Geometry" research seminar,

Potsdam (Germany), 2022.01.17.




On Maxwell's equations on globally hyperbolic spacetimes with timelike boundary,
invited talk within "Scattering, microlocal analysis and renormalisation" online conference,

Institut Mittag-Lefflet, 2020.06.15



On Maxwell's equations on globally hyperbolic spacetimes with timelike boundary,
invited talk within "Operator Algebras in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Probability" workshop,

Department of Mathematics Roma Tor Vergata,

Rome (Italy), 2019.12.04.


Ricci flow and algebraic quantum field theory,

Kolloquium talk at the Deparment of Mathematics,

Erlangen (Germany), 2019.11.19.


Ricci flow and algebraic quantum field theory,
invited talk within "Algebraic and Geometric Aspects in Quantum Field Theory" workshop,
Freiburg (Germany), 2019 04 16-18.



Propagators for the wave operator on Lorentzian manifold with timelike boundary,

invited talk within "Assemblea Nazionale del GNFM 2018",

Montecatini (Italy), 2018 10 04-06.


Propagators for the wave operator on Lorentzian manifold with timelike boundary,
invited talk within Seminari di Fisica Matematica, Dipartimento di Matematica Federigo Enriques,

Milano (Italy), 2018 05 07.




Introduction to the Algebraic approach to Quantum Field Theory on curved backgrounds,

Lectures at Julius Maximiliam University of Wuerzburg (Germany), 2017 10 9 - 13;


A mathematical approach to renormalization,

invited talk within QFT Day in Milan: mathematical aspects of renormalization, Milan (Italy), 2017 04 23;

Perturbative methods in Algebraic QFT with applications to Thermal Field Theory,

invited talk within Séminaire de physique mathématique à l'Institut Camille Jordan, UMR 5208, Lyon (France), 2017 04 07;


Aspects of Algebraic Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetime,
invited talk within Séminaire GDT: Problèmes Spectraux en Physique Mathématique à l'IHP, Paris (France), 2016 03 01;


The generalized principle of Perturbative Agreement and the thermal mass,
invited talk at the Department of Physics of the University of Pavia, Pavia (Italy), 2015 02 25-26;

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